My poor old loom is feeling very sorry for himself at the moment. His home-made computer has conked out on me and consequently so has my summer production timetable. To quash my feelings of impending loom doom I've been busying myself with funding applications to help me buy a new one. All fingers and toes are crossed the bid gets approved so I can order a spanking new AVL from the USA with super duper features like 24 shafts and a sectional warper.
However that won't arrive until December, so I better reserve one set of crossed fingers that the RCA technician who built the old computer comes back from his holidays very soon, as he is quite possible the only man who knows how to fix it!
If you are a circuit board genius, please get in touch if you think you may be able to help. Or alternatively if you have a 16 shaft floor loom I can borrow I'd be very grateful for your help. At least all my paper work will be up to date and I have some time to start designing the Millbank & Foot tweed!